Low FODMAP Food Near Me

Local Eats

Eating Out on the Low FODMAP Diet

It's difficult to find FODMAP-friendly options when eating out, because there isn't enough awareness and, therefore demand like there is for vegan and gluten free options.

We manage through looking at menus online, avoiding places altogether, or asking our busy server a thousand questions. It's easier now than it's ever been, but there's still so much opportunity from labeled menus to full-blown FODMAP friendly restaurants.

While my amazing friends, family, and co-workers are nothing short of accommodating, finding local options took months of research and testing. I've had servers send out chefs, only for them to apologetically tell me there's nothing in their restaurant I can eat and I should call ahead and special order something next time. That's not always possible. Well, I showed them when I ordered a plain side salad drizzled with olive oil! Seriously, though, staff are typically eager to help, but they're go-to question is, "What are you trying to avoid?" and it's just not that simple on the Low FODMAP Diet.

Opportunity in NC

We live in North Carolina where farming and agriculture is big business and a way of life. The phrases "farm-to-table" and "locally grown" are a big part of the culture. Now, more than ever, people want to know where their food comes from and what's in it. Simple, whole (real) foods are growing in popularity. All that to say, there's great opportunity here for gut-friendly focused eateries. I'm hoping to lay out the current options and create awareness in my area to showcase the need for more FODMAP-friendly choices.

I've scoured the internet in search of local restaurants and specific dishes to eat in an attempt to alleviate some of the guess work. Mostly, I found blogs about general dishes to order at any given Italian restaurant, Mexican restaurant, and so on. Those were good starting places, but I wanted specifics. So, this page is dedicated to places I’ve been able to find some potential FODMAP-friendly menu items that are local to me and some national chains or franchises.

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